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Business Law Attorneys

A lightbulb turning on symbolizing the idea to form a new business

Why do you need a Business Law Attorney?

If you have a business, you need a Business Law Attorney. It’s as simple as that. A Business Law Attorney is your legal problem solver. We help you handle the legal so you can focus on growing and managing your business.

Also, our business attorneys help with the initial formation to daily operations to selling your business. We help minimize risk, avoid expensive lawsuits and protect your interests. 

In addition, we offer a Comprehensive Business Check-up that can quickly and efficiently identify your business’s legal needs

If you still need to form your Business and are wondering how to get started, we can help with that too!

When should you hire a Business Law Attorney?

Coffee cup filled with pens on the conference room table at Hartsfield and Egbert Law Firm

In short, as soon as possible. If you are running your business without the advice of a business law attorney, your business is vulnerable.

In fact, business owners can make mistakes that put their business interests at risk and the business owner’s personal property. Even simple mistakes can cost business owners thousands of dollars, time, and heartache. In many cases, a consultation with a business law attorney could have prevented the problem. There are also specific considerations for single-owner businesses vs. multiple-owner businesses.

Do you ever catch yourself searching the internet for an answer to your legal questions? If so, it’s time to hire a lawyer to ask instead.

What can a Business Law Attorney Help with?

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